Solidity Developer

Solidity Developer
Web3 Talent


I am a Full Stack Solidity Developer with an Engineering background. My expertise spans Solidity, JavaScript, Python, and a variety of blockchain platforms. My professional journey includes developing smart contracts for a blockchain-centric real estate startup, creating engaging user interfaces, and streamlining backend functionalities. I am committed to crafting pristine code, achieved through meticulous planning and collaborative brainstorming. This approach ensures both efficiency and excellence in my development work. I've independently developed several blockchain applications, showcasing my ability to lead and innovate. Additionally, ...

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Active 5 months ago
🚀 In crypto since 2017
🌱 Member since December 2023
Accepts Crypto
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Open to Full-time
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Open to Relocation

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Tell us a joke?

Why do Solidity developers avoid throwing parties? Because they can't handle unexpected guests without a fallback function!


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Member since December 2023